Office Graphic
Office Graphic
Graphic props and set pieces for automobile commercial in 2019.
Graphic props and set pieces for automobile commercial in 2019.
Photoshop Exercises: Scene Building
Photoshop Composite: Scene Building
Photoshop Composite: Scene Building
Photoshop Composite: Scene Building
Photoshop Composite: Scene Building
Photoshop Composite: Scene Building
Photoshop composition pieces of fictional locations.
Photoshop composition pieces of fictional locations.
Photoshop composition pieces of fictional locations.
Photoshop composition pieces of fictional locations.
Photoshop composition pieces of fictional locations.

Character Study: Alanna of Trebond
Alanna of Trebond is the main protagonist of 'The Song of the Lioness' series. She is a noble girl who refuses to conform and instead switches places with her twin brother. She disguises herself as a boy and goes to the palace to pursue her desire to be a knight. She becomes a squire in 'In the Hands of the Goddess' and is given more responsibilities and faces more dangers that threaten her disguise.
The following are a part of Alanna's daily responsibilities, delivering historical scrolls for her teacher and a love letter for her knight-master, Jonathan IV of Conté.

At the beginning of "In the Hands of the Goddess", Alanna is found delivering a 300-year-old scroll for her teacher, Sir Myles.

As her knight-master woos a new lady in waiting, Lady Delia of Eldorne, Alanna is tasked with secretly delivering love letters.